Quartiers Métropolitains d’Innovation : a second edition from October 2023 !
Published onOn October 12, the Metropolitan Council voted to launch a new edition of the "Quartiers Métropolitains d'Innovation" programme. Initiated in 2022 by the Greater Paris Metropolis and operated by Paris&Co, the initiative is already underway in four municipalities across the metropolitan area. Building on the success of the first edition, the Greater Paris Metropolis is now inviting applications from October 23.
A new call for interest from october 2023
A second call for applications for the Quartiers Métropolitains d'Innovation programme has been launched to recruit up to four new municipalities between October 23 and January 12. Once selected, the municipalities will embark on a two-year process (submission of applications, selection of projects, deployment of solutions, training days, etc.) and are required to facilitate the smooth running of the experimentation projects. Throughout the process, the Greater Paris and Paris&Co are committed to supporting the selected municipalities for a period of two years, acting as a point of contact to facilitate exchanges between stakeholders and supporting the experimenters in the deployment and evaluation of their project.
What benefits for municipalities ?
For local authorities, taking part in the programme offers several advantages, including :
- Hosting and testing 6 to 8 innovative solutions in real-life conditions in their innovation district.
- Free on-site support from a Paris&Co project manager, guaranteeing a secure process and ensuring that the local authority's staff develop their innovation skills.
- Integration into a nationally and internationally recognised innovation network, giving it a high profile and contributing to its attractiveness.
What solutions will be accepted ?
The future solutions - not yet commercialised and at the prototype stage - are to be deployed in key areas : railway station areas, housing estates and suburban housing estates, logistics zones, shopping areas and urban enclaves. They will act as genuine levers for economic development, accelerate the ecological transition and respond to the priority urban challenges faced by metropolitan communities : public spaces and urban services / adapting to climate change / flows, mobility and logistics / local activities and shops / urban renewal and worksites / housing and changing uses / circular economy / sport in the city.
Key dates
- 23 October 2023 - 12 january 2024 : opening of the call for interest from metropolitain municipalities
- February 2024 : annoucement of the winning municipalities
- April- may 2024 : opening of the call for experimenters aimed at project managers (startups, associations, SMEs...)
- September 2024 : annoucement of the second cohort of experimenters and start of the collaborative work with local authorities
- 2026 : global assessment of the experimentations and the programme
In the meantime, please fill out this questionnaire for Choose Paris Region to let us know about your interest in the programme and to be kept informed of the next steps.
Joins us for our programme presentation webinars
- 14th november 2023 - 9am - 10am
- 23th november 2023 ; 12.30-13.30 pm
To register, please send an email to inno-num@metropolegrandparis.fr