Innovation and digital technology are powerful drivers for transforming society and the economy. The Greater Paris Metropolis wishes to support these major transitions in the dense urban area, in order to build an innovative metropolitan territory that is at the service of its citizens.

To work towards this ambition, the Metropolis set up the Metropolitan Digital Innovation Fund in September 2018. In addition to this financial support, the leaders of these projects also had access to a community of innovators, run by the Greater Paris Metropolis within the framework of the Digital Explorers and Digital Builders programmes.

In order to boost the impact of these schemes and encourage the emergence of more innovative projects, the Metropolis wishes to develop the support it offers, launching the “Innovating in the City” programme.

This support programme offers:

  •  a network of committed, high-level experts working alongside projects  
  • a defined and monitored pathway to maximise the success of projects over time

The programme is supported by a monitoring committee composed of innovation experts and funders:  Cap DigitalParis&Co27ème RégionCaisse des DépôtsANCTFrench tech centralBpifranceChoose Paris RegionFrench Tech Grand Paris et Société du Grand Paris.

The role of this monitoring committee is to advise project leaders and direct them towards potential partners or funding opportunities or solutions. It is also responsible for providing technical advice to the FMIN Review Committee, which is made up of elected officials, and will be able to monitor funded projects.

Do you have a project to suggest? If you would like more information, please contact us at the following address: